Feedback- A lesson from Janet Jackson

feedback Feb 06, 2020

🎶 When you hear some feedback keep going take it higher 🎶

Wait, you're not a Janet Jackson super fan?? Please go listen to that song ASAP! :)

Maybe Miss Janet was not referring to receiving feedback at work, BUT I think those lyrics are spot on as to what feedback can do for you! Because after all…you don’t know, what you DON’T KNOW and feedback can take you HIGHER.

Okay, back to FEEDBACK...

Sometimes, for those of us that are leaders, we are so used to GIVING feedback to our employees that we can often be caught off guard when we RECEIVE feedback for ourselves.

Whether the feedback is coming from our boss, our fellow co-workers or the employees that report to us…feedback can be difficult to receive.

Here’s a few things to keep in mind to help receive feedback: 

  • Expect it: Feedback is normal. We’re all unique and wired differently, so to think that others aren’t going to have a unique reaction or evaluation of things just simply isn’t possible. The more we expect feedback the more prepared we will feel and the less likely our involuntary flight-fight-freeze response will take over.
  • Hold up, wait a minute: Since we are still human and emotions can take over without us realizing it, take some control back from those emotions by allowing yourself time to consider the feedback before responding. You want to acknowledge hearing the feedback, but often times it’s best to communicate that you’d like to give some thoughtful consideration to the feedback before getting back to someone. We often feel the need to respond immediately to feedback (fight kicks in) and when our emotions are in the driver’s seat we’re usually not able to respond thoughtfully often thinking of a great response after the fact. Give yourself permission to put your response on hold.
  • Focus on the job at hand, before taking it personally: We’re all passionate about what we do and we often confuse what we do too much with who we are. Yes, for many of us our job is very much a part of who we are as a person. BUT, the key here is a part. Before taking the feedback personally, ask yourself if the feedback is really about you or is it about the natural challenges and issues that come with your job/role.
  • Practice a little self-love: Let’s not pretend that receiving feedback is easy on us emotionally or physically. It can be hurtful to receive feedback from people we work so closely with so be kind to yourself with small habits and dedicated time to help renew your energy (emotionally and physically). I’m not suggesting you sit on the couch for days eating chocolate ice cream out of the carton (no judgement though!), but I am suggesting you take a walk, call a good friend, journal for five minutes, write down one person or thing you are grateful for in the morning, go on a hike, watch your favorite movie…whatever works for you to show some love to yourself.

Feedback is natural. It is helpful. And it is a big part of how we all grow as individuals and as teams.

Hope you find these tips useful! Hope you have a great day that includes you belting out your new favorite Janet Jackson song ;)



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